Horse Riding

Polish horses are famous throughout the world. Highly appreciated are our full-blooded English horses, thoroughbred Arab horses and Anglo-Arab breeds. Tarpans (wild descendants of original steppe horses) and hucul (a breed kept by East Carpathian mountaineers) are also bred.
Lovers of these beautiful animals come to auctions regularly organized in Warsaw, Iwno, Janow Podlaski, Książ, Sopot, and Lobez. Vacations in the saddle are very popular here. Numerous horse breeding centres throughout Poland, possessing comfortable accommodation facilities, welcome enthusiasts of this sport. Horse riding lessons are available for beginners; experienced riders may gallop off into beautiful countryside either unaccompanied or with a professional English-speaking guide. Rides in horsedrawn carriages and St. Hubertus rides are also organized.
Horse riding tourism, is getting more and more popular in Europe and world-wide. In Poland we can take pride in almost a hundred years of tradition. The origins of horseriding tourism reach back to the 19th century in the Car pathian Mountains.This are is famous for mountaineering and horse riding tourism. Then as now the main centre for Hucul horse riding was the Hucul Horse Stables in Gładyszów. Lowland horse-riding tourism, in turn, has a completely different origin. In this case chivalry and cavalry traditions had great significance.
Nowadays, in the Poland lowlands horse-riding tourism flourishes around stables as well as sports and recreation centres.
Białogóra near Gdańsk, Pomerania
Hunter’s Residence & Horse Stud situated 800 m from the open sea. Possibilities: horseback riding, galloping along the beach or in forests, hiking, canoeing trips from Żarnowieckie Lake to Baltic sea, fishing boat trips on the Baltic sea, carriages, sleigh-ride, campfire.
Biały Bór near Koszalin, Pomerania
The Pension House with Horse Stud and Horse Riding Club picturesquely situated along the Biała River. Covered lounge, stadium with a large area and covered seating, a carriage house, rides in old carriages, International, European and National Competitions.
Bogusławice near Piotrków Trybunalski, Mazovia
Horse Stud and Riding Club. Covered lounge. Possibilities: horseback riding, horse-riding shows, dressage and driving shows, carriages, campfire, company events.
Czerniejewo Palace and Park near Poznań, Great Poland
Possibilities: Hunts, horseback riding, trips in horse-drawn carts, carriages, campfire.
Farma Sielanka near Warsaw, Mazovia
Pension and Horse Riding Centre,picturesquely situated between the River Pilica and forests. Two modern studs, a hippodrome, covered and open lounges. Possibilities: international, national and regional horse-riding competitions, dressage or driving and jumping shows, carriages, sleigh-rides, company events, conferences, campfires, paintball, archery etc.
Gładyszów near Krosno, SubCarpathia
Hucul Horse Stud. Possibilities: Hucul horseback riding tours and shows, famous St. Hubertus Rides, carriages, sleigh-rides, campfire, events such Huculs’ Days, horse- riding competitions.
Iwno near Poznań, Great Poland
Pension House with Horse Stud. Possibilities: Horseback rides, hunting, carriages, campfire.
Janów Podlaski near Biała Podlaska, Podlasie
Famous Horse Stud picturesquely set among lush meadows along the River Bug. Possibilities: carriages, campfire, horse-therapy,
Kadyny Country Club near Elbląg, Pomerania
Baroque Palace converted into a 4-star Hotel located close to the Vistula Basin. Small horse stud close to Kadyny Country Club. Possibilities: horse riding and carriages.
Kierzbuń near Olsztyn, Mazuria & Warmia
Horse Stud Riding Centre and Club. Jumping competitions, horse riding tours, lounge, hippodrome, covered hippodrome. Possibilities: sauna, fitness club, campfire, company events.
Kołobrzeg-Budzistowo, West Pomerania
Horseback Riding Centre picturesquely located along River Parsęta. Horse-therapy & Horseback riding centre. Possibilities: covered hippodrome, campfire, rides in old carriages, events.
Koniador near Jelenia Góra, Lower Silesia
Halfinger Breed Stud located in a beautiful, piedmont town of Dziwiszów near Jelenia Góra. Horse riding in beautiful surroundings. Nature lovers will be enchanted by scenic landscapes of nearby mountains: Izerskie Mountains, Rudawy Janowickie Mountains and Karkonosze with marked routes of various difficulty levels. Possibilities: integration and other events, carriages, sleigh-rides.
Książ near Wałbrzych, Lower Silesia
Famous Horse Stud. Possibilities: breeder shows, dressage or driving and jumping shows, carriage competitions, rides on horseback or by carriage or sleigh, campfires, full-day carriage and horseback sight-seeing expeditions. Hippodrome with a large arena, covered seating, a carriage house.
Łąck near Płock, Mazovia
Horse Stud picturesquely situated by a lakeside. Horse riding tours, lounge, covered hippodrome, international and national competitions. Possibilities: carriages, campfire, hunting, angling, water sports.
Nowa Wioska near Kwidzyń, Pomerania
Horse Stud and Horseback Riding Club. Hippodrome, covered lounge, jumping competitions and shows. Possibilities: carriages, campfire, sleigh-rides, events.
Oberża Biesisko near Wetlina, SubCarpathia
Picturesquely located in the Bieszczady Mountains. Possibilities: horse riding tours, many events: folklore evenings, Biesisko Extreme, Polish Texas with horse riding, hold-up on mountain narrow-gauge railway, carriages, country music, horse riding shows, campfire.
Overo near Nowa Ruda, Lower Silesia
Mountain Horse Riding Centre. Horseback riding tours. Possibilities: lessons of horse- riding in Western style, horse-therapy, carriages, sleigh-rides.
Racot near Leszno, Great Poland
Racot Palace and Horse Stud. The 18th century palace with accommodation, Museum of Carriages, landscape park. Pos- sibilities: sleigh-rides, carriages, hunting, angling.
Rynkówka Castle near Starogard Gdański, Pomerania
Horse riding through Tucholskie Forests. Possibilities: carriages, water sports, biking, angling, company events, folklore shows, knights’ tournaments shows.
Sasek near Szczytno, Mazuria.
Picturesquely located at lakeside. Possibilities: horse riding tours through forests, meadows, dressage, carriages, sleigh-rides and canoeing trips, skijoring, diving courses, company events, campfire.
Sieraków near Poznań, Great Poland
Horse Stud & Horseback Riding Club. Horse riding tours. Jumping competitions, carriages.
Zbrosławice near Tarnowskie Góry, Silesia
Horseback Riding Centre & Club. Possibilities: horse-therapy, competitions, company events, campfire, rides in old carriages.